Saturday, September 7, 2013

Not Just Another Weather Forecast

Hello Darlings, 
"Every year the women of New York leave the past behind and look forward to the future... this is known as Fashion Week," -Carrie Bradshaw. Fashion addicts, like myself, look forward to this first week of September all. Year. Long. It's the one week that only fashion matters. After watching a few fashion shows I've put together a list of things that you should look forward to seeing this fall/winter. 
Enjoy :]

                   {Click image to enlarge & see the hottest trends.}
**Follow me on Twitter: @xoVSblog & Let me know what trends are your fave in the comments below**


  1. So it is okay to wear white after Labor Day?

    1. Yes, just make sure to follow these simple rules:
      1. Wear your Winter-White with confidence!
      2. Stay away from lightweight feathers.
      3. Try off-white hues.

    2. Okay. Cool. Thanks. :-)
